How Do I File an Ethics Complaint?
There are some important considerations when filing an ethics complaint that you should be aware of. We highly encourage reading “Before You File A Complaint” to better understand the Ethics Complaint process. If you would like to file an Ethics Complaint, please contact our Professional Standards Administrator, Lauren Vance - [email protected] - 205-295-5123

Only REALTORS® are subject to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®. If you have questions about filing a Code of Ethics complaint, please contact our Professional Standards Administrator, Lauren Vance - [email protected] - 205-295-5123
Learn more about the REALTOR® Code of Ethics:
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Ethics Complaint vs MLS Complaint
Ethics Complaint
Violation of a specific article
Treating all parties fairly
Misrepresenting, concealing, or exaggerating pertinent factsFailure to cooperate with other REALTORS® (does not include the obligation to share commissions, fees, or compensate another broker)
Failure to disclose you are a REALTOR® or hold interest in the property
Provide professional services concerning a property or its value where they have a present or contemplated interest unless such interest is specifically disclosed to all affected parties
Not abiding by Standard of Practice 10.5: REALTORS® must not use harassing speech, hate speech, epithets, or slurs based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity
Compensated by more than one party
Accepting payment or rebates other than commission unless disclosed to allFailure to use a trust account
Not putting things in writing
Denied professional services based on minority status
Practicing outside of competence
False advertising
Practicing law without a license
Refusal to present evidence in a hearing
Bad-mouthing other REALTORS®
Soliciting other REALTOR® clients
Refusing to participate in (or pay from) arbitration hearing
MLS Complaint
To submit an MLS Complaint please send a detailed explanation to [email protected]. When requested by a complainant, the MLS will process a complaint without revealing the complainant’s identity. If a complaint is subsequently forwarded to a hearing, and the original complainant does not consent to participating in the process, the MLS will appoint a representative to serve as the complainant.
Violation of an MLS rule
Any violation of lockbox/key policy
Abusing coming soon status (i.e., marketing and showing the property without entry in the MLS)
Violation of the Clear Cooperation policy (i.e., putting a sign in the yard when the listing is not in the MLS after 1 business day)
Listing brokers misrepresenting the availability of access to show or inspect listed property
Showing the home without permission
Failure to identify as a limited-service listing
Change in listing status not reported
Prohibited use of the term MLS in any medium
Sharing of MLS user ID and password